La dedicatoria reza:
"A Carmen Balcells [su editora] bañada en lágrimas".
No es difícil imaginar a esta señora de Barcelona, emocionada hasta la lágrima ante el mecanoscrito inédito de esta obra de Gabriel García Márquez, publicada en 1994, que atrapa mágicamente desde el título hasta el final.
Permítanme un corta-y-pega de imágenes de la red, y si les parece bien el aperitivo, vayan a buscar el libro y disfrútenlo.
el pretexto del inicio |
la felicidad |
el amor -o el demonio |
los versos de Garcilaso de la Vega
y la cabellera de color cobre de Sierva María |
They left the restaurant, slowly. At this very last moment, it seemed they did not want to part. They said goodbye and walked away from each other. Only then did they remember they had been together for nearly three hours, talking like intimates, had said each other things seldom said even to intimates. This idea stopped them both, and turned them around at the same moment on the pavement of St. Martin's Lane. They stood examining each other's faces with curiosity, just as if they had not been sitting a few feet apart, for so long, talking. Their smiles confessed surprise, pleasure, and a certain disbelief, which latter emotion - or refusal of it - was confirmed when he shrugged and she made a spreading gesture with her hands which said, Well, i'ts all too much for me! At which they actually laughed, at the way they echoed, or mirrored, each other. Then they turned and walked energetically away, he to his life, she to hers. (Doris Lessing, "Love, again")
ResponEliminaInteressant lectura, Núria. Real com la vida: les coses que no diem, els trens que deixem passar.
ResponEliminaL'altre dia llegia a twitter (ja estàs trigant a entrar-hi) que el cos humà està fet d'un 85% d'aigua. El 15% restant és por.